Email marketing is one of the oldest and yet most effective ways of generating business online. It is extremely cheap compared to any kind of advertising and if done correctly can generate a lot of revenue for you. But off lately it has lost a lot of reputation due to unscrupulous marketers spamming people to generate business. People are shying away from email marketing fearing that their domains will get blocked without actually understanding how it happens. As an internet marketer I am a big fan of email marketing and I think if done correctly it can be great source of revenue. In this post I would like to share a few don’ts which if followed will lead to an effective email marketing campaign
Don’t SPAM : this is the first and the biggest don’t that is to be followed. Never send marketing emails to an email id which has not subscribed to your email lists. As a matter of fact, never send emails to an email id that you haven’t yourself verified. By following this you would achieve a very low bounce rate and you would never run the risk of getting your domain blocked by major email providers.
Don’t buy lists: There are a lot of services out there that will sell you premium verified data with a guarantee of minimum bounces. Do not get tempted by this. This is still SPAM. If a lot of people in your email blast mark your email as spam, you run the risking of getting your domain blocked. Don’t buy;build.
Don’t forget/hide the unsubscribe button: A subscriber always has the right to unsubscribe from your emails if he feels that they are of no use to him. Not only is it your responsibility to provide him the ability to subscribe but also to honor it. The damage to your brand image is beyond repair if you continue sending mails to a subscriber who has unsubscribed.
[caption id=”attachment_536” align=”alignright” width=”240”]
Poor Unsubscribe Form[/caption]
Don’t ask an unsubscriber for his email: Many a times when I click the unsubscribe link in an email, I am taken to a web form which asks me to fill my email id. This is a strict no-no as it projects your reputation as a spammer. It also gives an impression that you might not do anything about the unsubscribe request. Always use a system which can handle unsubscribes effectively.
Don’t try to fool the customer: A lot of unscrupulous marketers now a days add fake “report spam” link in their emails so that the customer does not report the email as spam through the official channels. Unless you are actually going to collect this data and take actions against it do not try to fool the customer just to keep your domain unblocked even when you know you were spamming.
Don’t try to fake your identity: If you are not spamming, which you never should always send emails from an email id of the domain name that is being represented in the email.
Don’t keep your lists dirty: Every now and then you will get bounces in even your properly and ethically built email lists. These could be anything from soft bounces due to temporary unavailability or permanent bounces due to expiry of email. In any case, always make sure that you keep your email list clean. Use a good system that can detect and handle bounces.
If as an email marketer, no matter how big or small your list size is, you take care of these few points you will never face the wrath of email providers and will be able to enjoy the fruits of this efficient and economic online marketing channel for a long time.
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I have helped many startups in building their products and I would be happy to have a chat with you about your idea. Catch me on twitter at @akhilrex