Recently I automated the deployment process of this blog post using Bitbucket pipelines. Bitbucket piplelines was the best possible choice since I have been hosting the code for this blog on Bitbucket ever since I migrated to Hexo (static site generator) from Wordpress. You can read about the reasoning here. Moreover the my requirement is well below the free tier that Bitbucket pipeline provides so I went with that.

This meant I no longer have to generate and deploy the site manually. I can simply login to my Bitbucket account and upload a new post from the web interface directly and it will get generated automatically. The only hurdle I had was that I had to type and format the filename (which in the end becomes the URL of the post) and the YAML front-matter (metadata) manually which was kind of tedius and more importantly pained my developer heart a lot. So this is a quick form that will generate the markdown file pre-formatted and pre-filled and I will only have to fill in the blog post content. Nice!